DATE: Monday, December 2, 2024
LOCATION: Austin Public Library
Millwood Branch Meeting Room
12500 Amherst Drive, Austin 78727
TIME: 6:45 pm
1. Call to Order
2. Ballots to be cast by attendees for position of President and Secretary
3. Ballot count, including absentee ballots, to determine quorum present, and
either announce the elected officers to serve as President and Secretary or
recess meeting after establishing a subsequent meeting date.
4. Review Income Statement for 2024 with members
5. Review Budget for 2025 with members
6. Adjourn
I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the Champions Forest Homeowners Association website
at www.championsforest.weebly.com at 10:19 a.m. on November 3, 2024,
Jayme Foley, President
Do I Need a Permit? With the warmer weather approaching you may be considering a new project at your home. Replacing your fence? Want to add a shed or enclose your deck? Looking to install solar panels or rainwater collection system? Want to install a swimming pool? All improvements affecting the exterior of your home or property requires approval from the Champions Forest Architectural Control Committee. Your project may also require a permit from the City of Austin. Questions about the restrictive covenants in place and submittals for approval can be submitted to the HOA email at [email protected].
Dues for 2024 were payable by March 31st. All accounts with balances owed will be assessed a $4.00 late fee. Property Owners owing five years of more back dues will be notified a Notice of LIen will be filed in Travis County Deed records if amounts remain unpaid or Owner fails to enter into a Payment Plan. Click Here to review the Income Statement tatement from 1/1/2024 thru 11/30/2024.
Welcome to Champions Forest Subdivision in beautiful Austin, Texas! Come on in, stroll through our greenbelt, and have a look around!
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Champions Forest Homeowners Association is to enhance and protect the value, attractiveness, and desirability of the lots constituting Champions Forest Subdivision, so that all of the subdivision shall be benefited and each successive owner of any lot in Champions Forest shall be benefited by the preservation of the value and character of these lands.
Each Owner shall be a member of the Association and shall remain a member until ceasing to be an Owner. The Association's Executive Committee, made up of both elected officers and appointed chairpersons, governs the Association. Elected officers include the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Chairpersons of the standing and ad-hoc committees are appointed by the President.
Join our e-mail communication group (for safety alerts, important neighborhood events,Lost and Found pets, etc.) Send your
email to: [email protected] and we will add you to our distribution list.
Please keep in mind that the City of Austin requires pets to be under the owner's control (inside a fenced yard or on a leash) and that pet waste be promptly removed from public and private property. This includes our greenbelt areas!